kid playing with tree blocks
Play Waldorf

Tree Blocks: 5 Best Sets to Encourage Play

I absolutely love tree blocks and have several sets that I use regularly in my preschool classroom. They’re an excellent natural building toy and are often used in Waldorf and Reggio Emelia inspired classrooms.

What are tree blocks?

Tree blocks are exactly what they sound like – blocks made from actual tree branches, carefully cut and sanded down to create various shapes and sizes for building and playing! These types of blocks are sometimes also called nature blocks.

These wooden pieces retain much of their natural form, which adds a textural element that manufactured toys simply can’t replicate. Some tree blocks still have the bark, and this further adds to the texture.

kids playing with nature blocks

I love that the irregular shapes and sizes of the blocks require kids to think outside the box, laying the groundwork for innovative thinking and design skills. Unlike unit blocks that have predictable shapes and straight lines, tree blocks are more challenging to build with as each piece is unique.

Kids learn about balance, proportionality, and gravity and build their focus, determination, and problem-solving skills as they build away. Plus, kids enjoy nature blocks and are drawn to playing with them.

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Natural Materials in Play

The importance of natural materials for toys goes beyond aesthetics. In an age where plastic dominates the toy industry, tree blocks serve as a reminder of the earthy origins of playthings.

Benefits of wooden toys like tree blocks:

  • Durability and Longevity: Wooden toys are incredibly resilient. Unlike plastic toys that may crack or break, wooden toys can withstand years of play and are often passed down through generations.
  • Safety: Wood is a naturally nontoxic material. When left untreated or finished with safe, nontoxic paints and stains, wooden toys pose no chemical harm to kids, making them a safer choice than many plastic toys that can contain harmful substances.
  • Open-Ended: Wooden toys can be simple and open-ended, which encourages kids to use their imagination and creativity. With less prescriptive ways to play, kids can create their own stories and scenarios. This fosters imagination and independent thought. It also makes toys like tree blocks feel new and interesting each day.
    The simplicity of wooden toys, free from electronic noises and flashing lights, allows kids to focus on the task at hand and encourages longer periods of concentration.
  • Sensory Experience: The texture, weight, and feel of wooden toys provide a rich sensory play experience. The tactile nature of wood can be soothing and grounding for kids.
  • Eco-Friendly: Wood is a sustainable and biodegradable material, especially when sourced from responsibly managed forests. Choosing wooden toys is better for the environment than plastic toys, which can take hundreds of years to decompose.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Wooden toys also add beauty to a child’s world. The natural grain patterns, colors, and craftsmanship can make them aesthetically pleasing items that contribute to a warm and inviting play space. They’re a welcome change from playrooms filled with bright plastic toys.
  • Connects with Nature: Wooden toys can help kids develop a deeper connection to the natural world, promoting a sense of respect and appreciation for the environment.

Best Set of Tree Blocks

You can buy a premade set of tree blocks or make your own! Look for sets that have lots of variety in the pieces and are well-sanded in order to be child-safe. I love sets with a few pieces with bark, but the bark often comes off with use so keep that in mind.

Here are a few of my favorite sets I have used with my preschool students.

1. XL Tree Blocks

Nature blocks for kids

Number of Pieces: 55

This XL tree block set has 55 pieces handcrafted from naturally fallen hardwood branches. Each piece is dried, hand-sanded to a smooth finish, and sealed with an all-natural, organic homemade finish for safe handling.

This eco-friendly set offers a variety of shapes and sizes, inviting your child to unlock their imagination like never before. Kids can build, stack, or use the pieces as loose parts in imaginative play (i.e., as food in the play kitchen or furniture in the dollhouse).

What I love: big set for lots of building, beautiful pieces

Check prices for XL Tree Blocks.

2. Guidecraft Branch Blocks 

Number of Pieces: 36

This set of blocks from Guidcraft features sticks, planks, and wood rounds of various sizes to encourage lots of building. The pieces are entirely unfinished, making them nontoxic and eco-friendly.

This 36-piece set is perfect for toddlers just discovering the joy of building and for older kids ready to explore more complex structures. The open-ended nature of the blocks allows them to be used in endless ways.

The bark has been left on to add to the sensory experience but can sometimes fall off with use. Take this into consideration when using these blocks with babies and toddlers who put things in their mouths. If your child really loves to build, it might be helpful to buy two sets to give them more pieces to work with.

What I love: bark adds texture.

Check prices for Guidecraft Branch Blocks.

3. Handcrafted Wooden Blocks

Number of Pieces: 72

This set of 72 tree blocks features various wood rounds, sticks, arches, and planks in small to medium sizes. Each piece is sanded, sterilized, and coated in all-natural oil and beeswax. The set comes in a cotton bag that can be used for storage.

While there are lots of pieces, each individual piece is relatively small. The set works best for kids who have some practice building with blocks.

What I love: big set for lots of building

Check prices for this set of blocks.

4. Dimokl Wooden Toys Tree Blocks

Waldorf blocks for kids.

Number of Pieces: 75

I love the variety of pieces in this beautiful set of blocks! Not only are the pieces interesting to look at, but they are fun for kids to figure out how to stack and build with them. Each block is sanded, and the edges are rounded to make them safe for little hands.

The largest block in the set is over 4 inches tall, which is much bigger than some other sets.

What I love: large pieces for bigger builds

Check prices for Dimokl Wooden Toys Tree Blocks.

5. DIY Tree Blocks

You can easily make your own set of tree blocks if you have access to tree branches and a saw! This is a great way to save some money and customize the set. Kids can be included in the project by helping to collect sticks and branches and even use the hand saw to cut pieces.

Check out this DIY tutorial from Adventure in a Box.

Add to the Play

Tree blocks pair well with other toys. When given time and space to play, kids will use them in all sorts of creative ways.

Here are some ways kids in class like using them:

  • Paired with toy animals. Kids love building homes for the animals and come up with many pretend play scenarios. Check out all my favorite sets of toy animals.
  • As loose parts. Don’t worry if your kids don’t want to build with the blocks. Let kids use them however they would like! I’ve seen toddlers who love to take the pieces in and out of bags and containers and carry them around. Preschool kids often use them in pretend play, like as play food, because of their open-ended nature.
  • With a tree house. Adding a tree house to a set of blocks can encourage pretend play. Make sure to look for simple options that are not overly detailed. You can buy one such as the one below or build your own!
Tree House from Q Toys USA

Consider adding some tree blocks to your play space and see what kids do with them!

If your kids don’t use them, you can set up an invitation to play. This might look something like pulling the blocks out into the middle of the play space, stacking a few, and putting a few toy animals next to the pile. Remember to keep it simple!

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