pizza jokes for kids

29 Hilarious Pizza Jokes for Kids: Cheesy Fun for All Ages!

Who doesn’t love a good pizza and a good laugh? If you’re looking to make your kids giggle while enjoying their favorite cheesy treat, these pizza jokes and puns for kids are the perfect recipe!

From funny slices of humor to silly puns, we’ve compiled the best pizza jokes for kids that are sure to deliver smiles with every bite.

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Whether it’s for a pizza party or just a lighthearted moment, these jokes are a hit for any occasion!

29 Pizza Jokes for Kids

1. What type of person doesn’t like pizza?

A weir-dough!

2. Why did the mushroom always get invited to pizza parties?

Because he’s a fungi!

3. What’s a pizza maker’s favorite song?

“Dough You Want to Build a Snowman?”

4. How do you fix a broken pizza?

With tomato paste!

5. Why did the hipster burn his mouth on the pizza?

Because he ate it before it was cool!

6. What does a pizza say when it wants to borrow money?

“I knead some dough!”

7. What’s a pizza’s favorite number?


8. What does a pizza say when it needs help?

“I’m in a bit of a dough-lemma!”

9. What did the pizza say when it introduced itself?

“Slide to meet you!”

10. What did the pizza say to the cheese?

“You look great!”

11. What did the pizza say to it’s date?

“I never sausage a beautiful face!”

12. What does a pizza do when it’s bored?

It doughs off to sleep!

13. Why was the pizza bad at telling jokes?

It was too cheesy!

14. Why was the pizza dough feeling frazzled?

It was stretching itself too thin!

15. What do you call a sleeping pizza?

A piZZZZa!

16. What kind of pizza does a vampire hate?

The one with the garlic!

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17. Why did the pizza get a job?

Because it kneaded the dough!

18. Want to hear a joke about pizza?

Never mind… It’s too cheesy!

19. What’s a pizza maker’s favorite song?

“Slice, Slice Baby!”

20. What’s the difference between a good pizza joke and a bad one?

The delivery!

21. Why did the pizza blush?

Because it saw the salad dressing!

22. What kind of pizza does a pirate like?

One with extra “arr-gh”-tichokes!

23. What’s a dog’s favorite kind of pizza?


24. What happens if you fall alseep with a pizza in the oven?

You burn 2000 calories!

25. Where do pepperonis go on vacation?

The Leaning Tower of Pizza!

26. What’s the difference between pizza and pizza jokes?

Pizza jokes can’t be topped!

27. What did the sauce say to the dough?

“You’re really stretching yourself thin!”

28. Why do restaurants put pizza in square boxes?

Because they don’t cut corners!

29. Did you hear about the Italian chef who died?

He pasta-way, but his legacy will become a pizza history!

Pizza Puns for Kids

  1. You’ve stolen a pizza my heart!
  2. I’m just here for the dough!
  3. No matter how you slice it, we make a great team!
  4. I knead you in my life!
  5. Life is “cheesy,” but I’m grateful for it!
  6. Olive you more than pizza!
  7. I’m on a roll—wait, wrong dough!
  8. In pizza we crust!
  9. Slice to meet you!
  10. You’re the toppings to my pizza!
  11. Every pizza me loves every pizza you!
  12. You’re so cheesy, and I love it!
  13. I dough-nut know what I’d do without pizza!
  14. Let’s dough this!
  15. I’ll never crust anyone else like I trust you!

With these pizza jokes for kids (and puns!), you’re now armed with plenty of cheesy humor to share with your kids.

Whether you’re looking for a quick laugh during dinner or fun entertainment for a pizza party, these jokes are bound to keep the fun going. After all, nothing brings more joy than a slice of pizza and a side of laughter!

Don’t forget to share the fun with family and friends—you never know who might need a little “slice” of humor today.

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