football jokes for kids

33 Football Jokes for Kids: Guaranteed to Score Big Laughs!

Looking for a fun way to get your little ones giggling while embracing their love for football? We’ve got you covered! Whether they’re cheering from the stands or practicing their touchdown dances at home, these football jokes for kids are sure to bring laughter to the game.

From puns to playful punchlines, this collection of jokes will have your young fans roaring with laughter.

Read on for a mix of clever and corny jokes perfect for sharing with friends, family, and teammates!

1. Why did the football team go to the bank?

To get their quarterback!

2. Why do football players do well in school?

Because they know how to tackle their problems!

3. Why is Cinderella bad at football?

Because she always runs away from the ball!

4. What do you get if you cross a football player and a dog?

A golden receiver!

5. Why was the ghost a good football player?

Because he had a lot of team spirit!

6. What’s the hardest part about football?

The ground!

7. Why do football players get cold?

Because they have too many fans!

8. What runs around a football field but never moves?

The fence!

9. What did the receiver say to the football?

Catch you later!

10. Where do football players dance?

At a foot ball!

11. Why are football stadiums always cold?

Because they’re full of fans!

12. What kind of tea do football players drink?


13. Why can’t you play football in the jungle?

Because there are too many cheetahs!

14. What did the football player say to the vending machine?

Give me my quarterback!

15. Why did the football player bring an extra jersey to the game?

In case he needed a substitute!

16. Why did the football team go to the library?

To check out the playbook!

17. Why don’t football players use phones?

They’re afraid of making a bad call!

18. What did the football say to the punter?

I get a kick out of you!

19. Why are football players good at tests?

Because they always pass!

20. Why did the football player get hired at the bakery?

He was good at turnovers!

21. Why don’t football players make good secret agents?

Because they can’t pass without being noticed!

22. Why do football players like to tell jokes?

They always score a laugh!

23. What did the football say to the field goalpost?

I’ll be kicking it with you soon!

24. Why was the football team so successful at life?

Because they never dropped the ball!

25. Why did the football coach go to the theatre?

He wanted to see some great plays!

26. Why do football players like road trips?

Because they know how to make every drive count!

27. Why did the football player sit in the fridge?

He wanted to chill before the big game!

28. Why did the football player bring a hammer to practice?

To nail every tackle!

29. Why did the football player bring his homework to the field?

To tackle his assignments before the game!

30. Why did the football player become a pilot?

He wanted to soar above the competition!

31. Why didn’t the dog want to play football?

It was a boxer, not a football player!

32. Where do football players go when they need a new uniform?

New Jersey!

33. Which insect is bad at football?

The fumble bee!

Football may be serious business on the field, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop when the game ends!

These football jokes for kids are a great way to keep the playful spirit alive while teaching kids the joy of humor. Whether you’re sharing them at halftime or just adding some cheer to the day, these jokes are guaranteed to score big smiles.

Be sure to pass them on to fellow football fans, and let the laughter roll like a winning touchdown!

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