star wars jokes for kids

May the Laughs be With You: 33 Star Wars Jokes for Kids

Are your kids big fans of Star Wars? Whether they dream of being a Jedi, love battling like a Sith, or just enjoy all things from a galaxy far, far away, they’re sure to get a kick out of these Star Wars jokes for kids.

From Yoda’s wise words to Darth Vader’s dramatic flair, these jokes will bring the force of laughter into your home.

So grab your lightsabers and prepare for some out-of-this-world giggles with these top Star Wars jokes for kids!

1. Why did Anakin cross the road?

To get to the Dark Side!

2. What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair?

A chocolate chip Wookiee!

3. How does Darth Vader like his toast?

On the dark side!

4. What do you call a pirate droid?


5. What is Yoda’s advice for going to the bathroom?

Doo-doo or doo-doo not, there is no try!

6. What’s a Jedi’s favorite dessert?

Obi-Wan Cannoli!

7. Why is Yoda such a good gardener?

Because he has a green thumb!

8. What’s the internal temperature of a Tauntaun?


9. Which Star Wars character works at a restaurant?

Darth Waiter!

10. What did Obi-Wan say at the rodeo?

Use the horse, Luke!

11. What do you get if you cross a Sith with a baseball player?

The Umpire Strikes Back!

  • Have a baseball fan in the family? Check out even more fun baseball jokes!

12. Where do Sith go shopping?

At the Darth Maul!

13. What kind of car does a Jedi drive?

A Toy-Yoda!

14. Why did Darth Vader turn off the lights?

He preferred the dark!

15. Why did Yoda get promoted?

Because he was wise beyond his ears!

16. What did the Jedi say to the sheep?

May the force be with Ewe!

17. What do you call a droid that takes the scenic route?


18. Why is Yoda bad at geometry?

He thinks there are no triangles, only do or do not angles!

19. What did the Jedi say to the salad?

Lettuce use the Force!

20. What do Gungans keep things in?

Jar jars!

21. Why don’t Jedi make good comedians?

Because their timing is always Force-d!

22. Why does Yoda hate jokes?

Because he’s heard them all before… for 900 years, he has!

23. What does Luke Sky Walker’s aunt say to him at dinner?

Use the forks, Luke!

24. Why are Wookiees bad at golf?

They always fur-get their clubs!

25. How do Wookies like their cookies?

A bit Chewy!

26. Why was the R2-D2 so angry?

Because people kept pushing his buttons!

27. What’s Darth Vader’s favorite game?

Hide and Sith!

28. What do you call a Spanish Jedi?

Obi Juan Kenobi!

29. What do you call a potato that has turned to the dark side?

Darth Tater!

30. How do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk?

With a woo-key!

31. What do you call Siths piled on top of a lightsaber? 

A Sith-Kabob!

32. When did Anakin’s Jedi masters know he leaned toward the dark side?

In the Sith Grade!

33. How does Luke Skywalker always know what he’s getting for his birthday?

He feels the presence!

We hope these Star Wars jokes for kids brought a smile to your little Jedi’s face!

Laughter is one of the best ways to bond with your kids, and what better way than through their favorite Star Wars characters?

Keep the fun going by sharing these jokes with friends, family, and fellow fans of the galaxy. May the force—and the laughter—be with you!

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