back to school jokes for kids

71 Side-Splitting Back-to-School Jokes for Kids

Starting a new school year can be both exciting and a little nerve-wracking for kids. What better way to ease the transition than with back-to-school jokes for kids?

We’ve compiled a list of 71 hilarious back-to-school jokes that are sure to put a smile on your child’s face and make their first days back a bit more fun.

Whether they’re shared in the classroom, during lunch, or at home, these jokes are perfect for lightening the mood and bringing some joy to the school day.

So, here are our favorite back-to-school jokes for kids:

1. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school?

Because her students were so bright!

2. What’s the king of all school supplies?

The ruler!

3. Why was the math book sad?

Because it had too many problems!

4. What did the pen say to the pencil?

What’s your point?

5. Why was the music teacher locked out of her classroom?

Because her keys were on the piano!

6. How do you get straight A’s?

By using a ruler!

7. What’s a snake’s favorite subject?


8. Why did the student eat his homework?

Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!

9. What’s a pirate’s favorite subject?


10. What do you get when you cross a teacher with a vampire?

Blood tests!

11. Why did the student bring scissors to school?

To cut class!

12. What do you call a teacher who never farts in public?

A private tutor!

13. Why did the student sit on his watch?

He wanted to be on time!

14. Why was the geometry book so adorable?

Because it had acute angles!

15. What is a teacher’s favorite nation?


16. Why did the math book look so mad?

It had too many fractions!

17. How do bees get to school?

By school buzz!

18. What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?


19. Why did the student take a ladder to school?

Because he wanted to go to high school!

20. Why was the music class so good at baseball?

They had the perfect pitch!

21. Why did the teacher go to the beach?

To test the water!

22. Why was the history book always calm?

It had all the dates in order!

23. What’s the best place to grow flowers in school?

In kindergarten!

24. What’s a math teacher’s favorite season?


25. Why don’t you see giraffes in elementary school?

Because they’re all in high school!

26. Why did the music teacher need a ladder?

To reach the high notes!

27. What did the pencil say to the sharpener?

Stop going in circles and get to the point!

28. What kind of school do surfers go to?

Boarding school!

29. What did one calculator say to the other?

You can count on me!

30. Why did the student cross the playground?

To get to the other slide!

31. What do you get when you cross a math teacher with a tree?


32. Why was the math class always tired?

Because they had too many problems to solve!

33. Why was the science book so heavy?

Because it was full of solid information!

34. Why did the teacher write on the window?

Because she wanted her lesson to be clear!

35. Why did the students study in the airplane?

Because they wanted higher grades!

36. Why did the math teacher look sad?

Because she was dealing with too many negatives!

37. Why did the shark cross the playground?

To get to the other tide!

38. Why was the teacher always warm?

Because she had so many degrees!

39. Why did the student carry a dictionary to school?

Because he wanted to have all the words!

40. What’s the smartest animal in school?

The spelling bee!

41. What’s the sneakiest animal in school?

The cheetah!

42. Why did the math student go to the beach?

To work on his tan-gent!

43. Why do teachers love whiteboards?

Because they’re remarkable!

44. What kind of tree does a math teacher climb?


45. Why was the math book always worried?

Because it had too many variables!

46. Why did the student throw his clock out the window?

Because he wanted to see time fly!

47. Why was the teacher cross-eyed?

Because she couldn’t control her pupils!

48. Why did the student bring a ruler to school?

Because he wanted to measure his success!

49. Why did the school nurse carry a red pen?

In case she needed to draw blood!

50. Why did the student take a ruler to bed?

To see how long he could sleep!

51. Why was the school clock punished?

For tocking too much!

52. Why did the student bring a spoon to the class?

To stir up some fun!

53. Why don’t students ever get lost at school?

Because they follow the teacher’s directions!

54. Why did the student eat his notes?

Because they were food for thought!

55. Why do students bring binoculars to school?

To keep an eye on their grades!

56. Why did the student bring a soccer ball to school?

To kick off the day!

57. Why was the art teacher so popular?

Because she drew a crowd!

58. Why did the student take a mirror to school?

To reflect on his lessons!

59. Why did the teacher bring a fan to school?

To stay cool during heated discussions!

60. Why did the student bring a puzzle to school?

To piece together his learning!

61. Why did the teacher bring a map to school?

To navigate through the lessons!

62. Why was the math teacher late to school?

She took the rhombus!

63. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses in the classroom?

Because her students were so bright!

64. Why did the teacher bring a paintbrush to school?

To brush up on her teaching skills!

65. Why did the teacher bring a phone to school?

To call on her students!

66. Why did the teacher bring a hammer to school?

To nail down the facts!

67. Why did the teacher bring a football to class?

To tackle the tough questions!

68. Why did the teacher bring a pencil to school?

To draw out the lesson!

69. Why don’t pencils blend into a crowd?

Because they always draw attention!

70. Why was the computer cold at school?

Because it left its Windows open!

71. Why was the student’s report card wet?

Because it was below C level!

We hope these back-to-school jokes for kids brought some giggles and grins to you and your family!

Laughter is a great way to break the ice, make new friends, and start the school year on a positive note.

Keep this list handy for those moments when a little humor is just what the teacher ordered. Here’s to a school year filled with learning, laughter, and lots of fun!

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