pokemon jokes for kids

Get Ready to LOL: 37 Pokémon Jokes for Kids

Welcome to the ultimate collection of Pokémon jokes for kids (plus some silly puns)!

Whether you’re a longtime fan of these beloved creatures or just starting your journey as a Pokémon Trainer, these. jokes will have you laughing

Our selection of jokes and puns is perfect for sharing with friends, family, or anyone who loves Pokémon. From Pikachu to Charizard, get ready to giggle and groan at these hilarious and electrifying jokes that will keep you entertained.

Let’s dive into the fun!

37 Pokemon Jokes for Kids

1. How do you get Pikachu on a bus?

You Pokémon!

2. What does one Geodude say to the other Geodude?

Let’s rock and roll!

3. What do you call a group of Pikachu in a field?

A Pik-nic!

4. How do you catch a Butterfree?

With a Poké-net!

5. Why did Bulbasaur cross the road?

To evolve into Ivysaur on the other side!

6. What’s Meowth’s favorite kind of math?


7. What’s a Pokémon fan’s favorite place to go in France?


8. Why did the Squirtle cross the road?

To get to the Shell-Station!

9. What does a Magikarp use to stay online?


10. Why was Pikachu looking at the power outlet?

He wanted to charge up!

11. What do you call a Pokémon that loves to cook?


12. How do you catch a runaway Gengar?

With a Spooky-ball!

13. Why did Pikachu get detention?

For shocking his teacher!

14. Why don’t you want to shower with a Pokemon?

Because they might Pikachu!

15. What do you call a Pokémon who loves to clean?


17. Why did the Electrode get kicked out of school?

For causing too many explosions!

18. How does a Pokemon sneeze?


19. What do you call a Pokemon that can’t move very fast? 

A Slow-poke!

20. How does Diglett avoid getting sunburned?

By staying underground!

21. Why did the Arbok go to school? 

To learn hiss-tory!

22. Why do you never see Togepi on the farm?

Because it’s an egg-cellent hider!

23. Why did Pikachu go to the library?

To find some electrifying books!

24. Why did the Pokémon go to the party?

To have a ball!

25. What did the Pokémon say when it was hungry?

“I could use a Bite!”

26. What kind of Pokémon can you find at a bakery?

A Donut-sparce!

27. What game do you play with a baby Pokémon?

A Pika-boo!

28. What do you call a Pokémon with a smartphone?


29. What did Pikachu say to his friend on the phone?

“I’m shocked to hear from you!”

30. Why was Bulbasaur so good at gardening?

It had a green thumb!

31. Why did the Pokémon go to art school?

To become a Pika-casso!

32. What’s Geodude’s favorite type of music?


33. Why did Pikachu get a job?

To help pay the electric bill!

34. Why wasn’t Jigglypuff invited to karaoke night?

Because it’s singing puts everyone to sleep!

35. How do you make a Pikachu laugh?

Tell it a shocking joke!

36. Why don’t you ever play cards with Pokémon?

Because they might just Pikachu-r hand!

37. What’s a Pikachu’s favorite ice cream flavor?

Shock-a-lot chip!

37 Pokemon Puns for Kids

  1. Pikachu – You’re shockingly cute!
  2. Charmander – You light up my life!
  3. Bulbasaur – I’m rooting for you!
  4. Squirtle – Shell yeah!
  5. Jigglypuff – You’re a real hit at karaoke!
  6. Meowth – You’re purrfect!
  7. Snorlax – I’m totally napping on that idea!
  8. Gengar – You’ve got a spooky-good sense of humor!
  9. Eevee – You’ve got so much potential!
  10. Butterfree – You’re as free as a butterfly!
  11. Pidgey – You always tweet me well!
  12. Vulpix – You’re on fire!
  13. Magikarp – You’re a real catch!
  14. Abra – You’re making magic happen!
  15. Machamp – You’re the champ!
  16. Poliwag – You make a splash!
  17. Geodude – You rock!
  18. Rapidash – You’re blazing fast!
  19. Dugtrio – We dig your style!
  20. Clefairy – You’re out of this world!
  21. Oddish – You’re rad-ish!
  22. Tentacool – You’re too cool!
  23. Onix – You’re a gem!
  24. Growlithe – You’re pawsitively awesome!
  25. Slowpoke – Take your time, you’re doing great!
  26. Psyduck – You quack me up!
  27. Mankey – You’re a real swing-er!
  28. Tangela – You’ve got me tangled up in laughter!
  29. Seel – You’re a real deal!
  30. Gastly – You’ve got a hauntingly good personality!
  31. Krabby – Don’t be so crabby!
  32. Kingler – All hail the king!
  33. Electabuzz – You’ve got a buzzworthy personality!
  34. Rhyhorn – You’re tough as horns!
  35. Horsea – You’re horsin’ around!
  36. Starmie – You’re a star!
  37. Mr. Mime – You leave me speechless!

We hope you enjoyed this fun-filled collection of Pokémon jokes for kids!

Sharing a laugh with friends and family is a great way to bond, and what better way to do it than with jokes featuring your favorite Pokémon?

Remember, laughter is the best medicine, so keep these jokes handy for whenever you need a quick giggle.

If you have any favorite Pokémon jokes or puns, feel free to share them in the comments below. Keep smiling, keep laughing, and keep catching ’em all!

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