chicken jokes for kids

47 Egg-citing Chicken Jokes for Kids: Guaranteed Giggles!

Looking for a way to tickle your child’s funny bone? Look no further than chicken jokes for kids!

Chicken jokes for kids are a perfect way to bring some giggles and grins to any day. These feathered friends have a knack for making kids laugh with their silly antics and punny humor.

Whether you’re on a road trip, having a family dinner, or just looking for some fun, these chicken jokes are sure to be a hit.

Get ready to crack up with these egg-citing jokes, perfect for kids of all ages!

1. Why did the chicken join the band?

Because it had the drumsticks!

2. Why don’t chickens like people?

Because they beat eggs!

3. What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on a hill?

An egg roll!

4. Why did the chicken cross the playground?

To get to the other slide!

5. What do chickens grow on?


6. What do you call a chicken who tells jokes?

A comedi-hen!

7. Why did the rooster cross the road?

To cock-a-doodle do something!

8. What do you get if you cross a chicken with a bell?

An alarm cluck!

9. Why did the chicken cross the road twice?

To prove she wasn’t a chicken!

10. What happened to the chicken that misbehaved at school?

It was egg-spelled!

11. Why do chickens make great comedians?

They know how to crack up an audience!

12. How do chickens leave a building?

Through the egg-sit!

13. What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cow?

Roost beef!

14. How does a chicken mail a letter?

In a hen-velope!

15. Why did the rooster get a tattoo?

Because he wanted to impress the chicks!

16. What do you call a chicken with a piece of lettuce in its eye?

Chicken Caesar Salad!

17. What sound does a negative rooster make?


18. Why did the chicken go to the library?

To check out a bawk!

19. What’s a chicken’s favorite vegetable?


20. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a dog?

Pooched eggs!

21. How does a chicken write a book?

With a hen and ink!

22. What do chickens use to make their bed?

Eggstra pillows!

23. Why did the chicken go to the comedy club?

To see a stand-up hen-tertainer!

24. What do you call a chicken with a guitar?

A rock ‘n’ roll chick!

25. Why did the chicken get a job?

To earn some egg-stra money!

26. Why did the chicken cross the road slowly?

Because it was a little egg-sausted!

27. Why do chickens lay eggs?

Because if they dropped them, they’d break!

28. Why did the chicken sit on the egg?

Because it didn’t have a chair!

29. What do you call a chicken that tells time?

A clock-a-doodle-doo!

30. Why did the chicken join the baseball team?

Because it was an egg-cellent catcher!

31. What do you call a chicken that crosses the road, rolls in the mud, and crosses back again?

A dirty double-crosser!

32. What do you call a chicken that can count its eggs?

A mathemachicken!

33. Why did the chicken get detention?

For using fowl language!

34. What do chickens do for fun?

They play beak-a-boo!

35. How do chickens bake a cake?

From scratch!

36. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a ghost?

A poultry-geist!

37. What kind of weather do chickens like?

Fowl weather!

38. What’s a chicken’s favorite type of movie?

A chick flick!

39. What’s a chicken’s favorite day of the week?


40. What do chickens do at the gym?


41. How do you make a chicken laugh?

Tell it a funny yolk!

42. You’re egg-stra special!

43. You crack me up!

44. That joke was eggs-actly what I needed!

45. Stop yolking around!

46. Have an egg-citing day!

47. That’s a peck-tacular idea!

We hope you and your kiddos have enjoyed these cluck-tastic chicken jokes for kids! Laughter is a wonderful way to bond and create happy memories, and what better way to do that than with some silly, feathered humor?

Keep these jokes handy for the next time you need a quick giggle or a fun distraction. Remember, a day filled with laughter is always a day well spent.

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