baseball jokes for kids

Top 33 Baseball Jokes for Kids: Hilarious Hits to Keep Them Laughing

Baseball season is in full swing, and what better way to enjoy it than with a collection of fun and funny baseball jokes for kids?

Whether you’re a young slugger, a Little League enthusiast, or just a fan of America’s favorite pastime, these jokes are sure to hit a home run. Laughter is a great way to bring friends and family together, and these baseball-themed jokes will keep everyone in high spirits.

So grab your glove, step up to the plate, and get ready to laugh out loud with our best baseball jokes for kids!

1. Why did the baseball player get arrested?

Because he stole second base!

2. What do baseball players eat on?

Home plates!

3. Why are frogs great baseball players?

Because they can catch flies!

4. Why did the baseball player bring a string to the game?

In case he needed to tie the score!

5. What’s a baseball player’s favorite type of music?


6. How do baseball players stay cool?

They sit next to their fans!

7. How do baseball players keep in touch?

They touch base every once in a while!

8. What’s a baseball player’s favorite thing to do during math class?

Count their bases!

9. Why are baseball stadiums always so cool?

Because they’re full of fans!

10. What did the baseball glove say to the ball?

“Catch you later!”

11. Why did the baseball bring a pencil to the game?

To draw walks!

12. Why don’t baseball players ever get lost?

Because they always follow the bases!

13. What do baseball players do when they retire?

They touch base with their old friends!

14. Why don’t skeletons play baseball?

Because they don’t have the guts!

15. Why was the baseball player a great musician?

He had perfect pitch!

16. What’s the best way to hold a bat?

By its wings!

17. Why did the baseball player take a ladder to the game?

To reach new heights!

18. What did the baseball say to the bat?

“You’re a real hit!”

19. Why was Cinderella so bad at baseball?

She always ran away from the ball!

20. What is a baseball player’s favorite color?

Pitch black!

21. How does a baseball player stay fit?

By running home every day!

22. What’s a baseball player’s favorite animal?

A bat!

23. Why was the baseball game so hot?

All the fans left!

24. What position do zombies play in baseball?

Dead center field!

25. Why are baseball players always such good friends?

Because they know how to pitch in!

26. What’s a baseball player’s favorite type of cake?

A bundt cake!

27. Why do baseball players love the outdoors?

Because they love to catch flies!

28. Why did the baseball player go to the beach?

To catch some rays!

29. Why did the baseball player bring a broom to the game?

To sweep the series!

30. Why was the baseball player a great baker?

He knew how to handle a batter!

31. Baseball players sure know how to pitch a good time!

32. I’m glove-ing this game!

33. Every pitch is a chance to swing into action!

We hope you enjoyed this lineup of baseball jokes for kids and that they brought a smile to your face! Whether you’re sharing them in the dugout, during a family game night, or at a baseball-themed party, these jokes are perfect for adding a little humor to your day.

Keep these jokes handy for the next time you need a good chuckle. Batter up and keep laughing!

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